Manaaki - In all aspects of our work together as a learning community there will be a prevailing sense of respecting oneself, each other and our environment. A sense of empathy will always be evident.
Our Values
Kaha - Students at Belmont Intermediate School will take informed risks, develop resilience, take ownership of their learning and be proud of their achievements.
Our Values
Tū whakaiti - There will be a persuasive sense of humbleness and a ‘people come first’ mindset at Belmont Intermediate School. Fairness, showing empathy and being inclusive will be part of our culture.
Our Values
Ngākau tapatahi - We will act in a fair, honest, ethical manner; showing responsibility, honesty and accountability for our actions.
Our Values
Auahatanga - All learners, both staff and students, will place a significant emphasis on the skills of creating, thinking and reflecting. These skills will interconnect through engaging contexts and core subject areas.
We have a curriculum which is interconnected, future focussed and child centric. We aim to give every student the opportunity for academic, cultural and sporting success.
A message from our Principal
At Belmont Intermediate School we take great pride in offering a two year programme which provides a range of opportunities to enable our students to develop the skills that are vital to them becoming life-long learners.