
Students develop knowledge of the elements and how matter behaves. They use this understanding to explain observed changes. Students apply the prescribed scientific method and fair testing principles to carry out investigations on solubility. Our students also learn about the properties of mixtures and investigate various ways they can be separated. This knowledge is used to investigate acids, bases and compounds and discuss their significance in our environment.

Materials Technology

In Materials Technology students learn about the process of design technology. They are introduced to specific materials and the safety of their use before using them for their own projects. Students participate in the purpose and scope of their design by researching, sketching, measuring and implementing their final result using hard materials such as wood and metal.

Food Technology

In Food Technology our students work towards earning a ‘Licence to Cook’ and progress through levels as they move from Year 7 to Year 8. Educational and fun projects include learning about the history of pizza and then designing a pizza which reflects elements of who they are and creating an edible container with consideration for nutritional elements and reducing waste.

Performing Arts

We offer a comprehensive performing arts programme which encourages our students to experience music and dance in an active, creative and collaborative environment. This includes developing an understanding of the main sections and instruments of the orchestra, working towards learning how to play the guitar and collaborating to create a group dance using the dance elements of time, place, relationships, body awareness and energy.

Click here to learn more from our Performing Arts Website.

Visual Arts

Our Visual Arts programme allows students to develop their knowledge of the art elements and a variety of artist styles and works. This gives them a sound base with which to express themselves in two-dimensional painting and drawing as well as three-dimensional sculpturing using a range of media.


Our language programme provides students with the opportunity to learn French. Students learn how to introduce themselves and are able to converse on topics covering their likes and dislikes of animals, sports, hobbies, food and the weather along with developing a knowledge of French culture.